What Would YOU Like Most for 2018?
The beginning of a new year is almost always a period of refection and redirection. We feel energized to move forward with a year ahead full of promise and opportunity. Often though, after a few weeks, things go back to normal. Old habits run deep and sometimes we bite off so much more than we can chew in our eagerness of the New Year.
For 2018, what if you took a minute and really asked yourself, “What do I want”? And instead of coming up with a list of 10 things, just narrow it down to 1 or 2?
For many of us busy people, because really who isn’t busy these days, a goal may to be reign things in a bit and enjoy the simplicities of life while focusing on the positive. Here are a few suggestions for ways to achieve some positive peace in your life:
Start to De-Clutter: If the space around you is disorganized chaos, guess how you’ll feel? Get rid of the junk and the excess. Lots of less fortunate people will appreciate your “junk”.
Spend Time Outside: Get some Vitamin D on that skin and soak up the peacefulness of nature. A trail is never far away!
Put Your Phone Down: Make some time for yourself that is free of your devices. Leave your phone in a drawer for a bit or give it to your spouse for the evening so you aren’t tempted.
Be Choosy About How You Spend Your Time: If you say “yes” to everything your body and mind will soon scream “no”. Before accepting every invite and over-extending yourself, decide if it is something you really want to do. Plotting events on a calendar and not overscheduling more than 2 events a week can be helpful.
Count Your Blessings: Carve out a few minutes each morning or at bedtime and reflect on the positives. Positive thinking can have such an impact on how we see the world around us.
What are some of your ideas for making 2018 your best year yet?
Lorraine "Edmonton" Mah & Jodi Dahl
Associates, RE/MAX River City Edmonton
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